Haripath is a collection of abhangas composed by Marathi saint, Shree saint Dnyaneshwar Maharaj, Shree saint Namdev Maharaj, Shree saint Eknath Maharaj, Shree saint Tukaram Maharaj, Shree saint Nivruttinath Maharaj.
Added Pasaydan (पसायदान)
The Varkari tradition has been part of Hindu culture in Maharashtra since the thirteenth-century CE, when it formed as a panth during the Bhakti movement. Varkaris recognise around 50 poet-saints (sants) whose works over a period of 500 years were documented in an eighteenth-century hagiography.
Varkaris are community of people with shared spiritual beliefs and practices. They are Devotees of Vithoba ( Vitthal,Vithu Mauli), Haripath is recited by Varkaris daily.
• Collection of 29 abhangas (poems) composed by Marathi saint, Dnyaneshwar.
• Collection of 34 abhangas (poems) composed by Marathi saint, Namdev.
• Collection of 26 abhangas (poems) composed by Marathi saint, Eknath.
• Collection of 34 abhangas (poems) composed by Marathi saint, Tukaram.
• Collection of 25 abhangas (poems) composed by Marathi saint, Nivruttinath.
Haripath, Marathi Aziz, Shree Aziz Dnyaneshwar Maharaj, Shree Aziz Namdev Maharaj, Shree Aziz Eknath Maharaj, Shree Aziz Tukaram Maharaj, Shree Aziz Nivruttinath Maharaj'dan oluşan bir abhangas koleksiyonudur.
Eklendi Pasaydan (पसायदान)
Varkari geleneği, Bhakti hareketi sırasında bir panter olarak oluştuğu on üçüncü yüzyıldan beri Maharashtra'daki Hindu kültürünün bir parçası olmuştur. Varkariler, on sekizinci yüzyıldan kalma bir homografide, 500 yıldan uzun bir süredir çalışmaları belgelenen yaklaşık 50 şair aziz (kız) tanıdı.
Varkariler, ortak manevi inanç ve uygulamalara sahip bir topluluktur. Onlar Vithoba Adananları (Vitthal, Vithu Mauli), Haripath her gün Varkaris tarafından okunur.
• Marathi azizi, Dnyaneshwar tarafından oluşturulan 29 abhangas (şiir) koleksiyonu.
• Marathi azizi Namdev'in oluşturduğu 34 abhangas (şiir) koleksiyonu.
• Marathi aziz Eknath tarafından bestelenen 26 abhangas (şiir) koleksiyonu.
• Marathi azizi Tukaram'dan oluşan 34 abhangas (şiir) koleksiyonu.
• Marathi azizi Nivruttinath tarafından bestelenen 25 abhangas (şiir) koleksiyonu.